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December 26, 2018

Milwaukee Roof Cleaning: The Dangers of a Dirty Roof

Milwaukee roof cleaning from the gutter line

Milwaukee Roof Cleaning And How To Get Maximum Value

Has your roof seen better days?

It might not seem significant, but your roof’s appearance has a lot to do with its overall functionality. What you think is dirt buildup or weather stains may actually be pointing to a more serious underlying problem.

And if that’s the case, your roof’s strength and durability may be suffering.

Here’s how to tell if and when you should worry about a dirty roof and what you can do to eliminate any threats.

The Dangers Of a Dirty Roof

It’s no surprise that falling debris like hail and tree limbs can compromise your roof’s integrity. But these aren’t the only threats you need to be aware of.

Moss, Algae, and Lichen, Oh My!

Often times, silent roof killers like lichen, moss, and algae take over your roof and leave a trail of damage in their wake. In most cases, these threats look like dirt buildup, debris, or black streaks. They make your roof look dingy and aged, which also makes the rest of your house look run-down or not well maintained.

These cosmetic issues are the least of your worries.

A prolonged buildup of algae and moss can weaken your roof’s integrity and force you to replace your roof sooner than you should have to. When plant matter takes hold of your roof, it can begin to push up through your shingles, which creates displacement and allows water to sneak into areas where it won’t evaporate.

In addition, green growth like moss or lichen will destroy your roof shingles. Moss retains moisture and will hold it against your roof, which can lead to rotting. In cold areas like Milwaukee, this moisture will freeze and thaw, which can create splitting and pull your shingles away from your roof. If you have asphalt singles, moss can cause a loss of granules.

Because moss, algae, and lichens are living organisms, they can easily spread under the right conditions. If not treated properly, the organisms will continue to take over your roof and cause damage wherever they go.


Replacing your roof is never cheap, but the damage caused by organic matter could be more expensive than you realize.

If your roof were to fail, you could experience a major loss. Personal belongings may need to be replaced. You may incur additional repairs to your home, such as replacing flooring or walls.

Also, your homeowner’s insurance could skyrocket. Insurance companies don’t want the risk of having to pay out for a roof job and other home repairs. They will do everything they can to mitigate their risk, including dispatching adjustors to gauge if there’s been any change to your roof, increasing your rates, or cancelling your policy.

How to Tell if Your Roof Needs To Be Cleaned

There are several telltale signs that organic matter may be destroying your roof, but they’re not all obvious. Here’s how to do a quick visual inspection of your roof to see if it might be in danger:


Gleocapsa magma removal on a detached garage in Ozaukee County. Often mistaken for water trails, long, black streaks on your roof are actually colonies of airborne algae, also called Gleocapsa Magma. These can be very unsightly and quite the eye sore.  Many customers call us and say it’s the only thing they notice every single day when they arrive home. 

With a proper roof cleaning, they can be removed immediately after treatment as these are a form of bacteria. There is some debate as whether or not these black streaks can affect the integrity of a roof or not. We are not 100% convinced that they can destroy a roof but one thing is for certain, they can drastically decrease the curb appeal of your property!

Once cleaned and removed, your roof will basically look like it is brand new. Not only will all of the black streaks be removed, but also much of the original color of your roof will come back. A lot of times we will notice so much brown and black gunk coming down after being treated. 

As you can see in the picture, it almost looks like a completely brand new roof! This Grafton homeowner was considering replacing their roof and all that was needed was a low pressure roof cleaning. 


Lichens on a roof in Cedarburg Lichens are produced from the same type of algae that create those long black streaks. These small, circular patches attach themselves firmly to the roof and resist wind and weather. If left unattended, lichens will remove the top layer of the shingle they’re attached to. 

These can completely destroy a roof if ignored and should not be taken lightly. They will feed on the shingles and continue to eat until the roof is totally destroyed. As you can see in the picture to the left, this Cedarburg roof was completely covered with lichens.

To properly treat a roof infested with lichens, low pressure is needed. Companies without experience and knowledge will tend to think that a pressure washer is the best way to remove these. A pressure washer can destroy a roof in a fraction of the time lichens can and is an absolute no no in the world of roof cleaning. 

When we clean a roof with lichens, we let the chemicals do the cleaning as opposed to force, or pressure. After being cleaned, the lichens will turn white. After they have turned white, this means that they have died and will no longer feed on the roof. Eventually they will detach from the roof and the roof will look much improved. 

A decent amount of rainfall after the cleaning will help speed up this process but patience is important. The roof did not become affected with lichens overnight and it will not be restored overnight. Usually you will see the roof looking much better after a couple of weeks, but sometimes this process can take 6-8 weeks. The rain will eventually flush these down.


Picture of moss before and after being treated with bleach. Soft, green patches of moss are more recognizable. Their root-like appendages dig deep into your shingles to anchor themselves. What’s more, they capture wind-blown dirt to create something of a forcefield around themselves. The soil accumulation fuels their growth and turns a small problem into a major one.

Also, because the roots are driven deep into the shingle, forcibly removing them often results in damage. Simply scraping off the moss won’t remove all of it, which means it may regrow quicker than you’d like it to.

The photo on the let shows two pieces of moss. The first one is untreated and can be quite common on asphalt shingles. The second one on the right shows what happens after they have been treated with chemicals. One treated and killed, these will come down fairly quickly after the ensuing rains. 


Mold can appear on a roof as dark green, black, or brown splotches. It’s less common on asphalt shingles and more often found on wood trims, wooden shingles, or underneath broken shingles.

Milwaukee Roof Cleaning Options

If you notice your roof has become the home of organic matter, you might be inclined to handle the problem yourself. Home power washers and cleaners like bleach are common go-to remedies, but these can actually do more harm than good.

There’s an art to soft washing roofs and using equipment that many homeowners aren’t prepared for. Professional companies use specialized equipment and a unique bleach concentrate that targets organisms deep in the cracks to ensure nothing gets left behind. Plus, it’s usually performed by a two-person team (one on the roof, one on the ground) to prevent run-off cleaner from damaging plants or bushes.

Your most cost-effective option is to hire a professional Milwaukee roof cleaning service that can assess your unique needs and match the right solution. The right roof washing service will consider treatments that won’t cause further damage to your roof or other areas of your home.

Without the right equipment, roof cleaning can be dangerous business. It’s better to let a professional with the right tools and solutions handle the issue so you’re not putting yourself at risk.

In addition, professional services can help guide you on ways to prevent algae, moss, and lichen buildup from reoccurring. Removing nearby tree branches and removing leaves and debris promptly after a storm can keep your roof in tip-top condition.

What To Do Next?

If your roof has lost its sparkle, you’re better off taking action sooner rather than later. Vista Pro Exterior Cleaning today offers free inspections and quotes on Milwaukee roof cleaning services. We also provide a three-year guarantee on roof washing to ensure mold, mildew, and other silent killers don’t return to finish the job. We are located in Cedarburg and work a lot in Cedarburg, Grafton, Port Washington, Mequon, West Bend, Thiensville, Bayside, and Fox Point, but serve most of Milwaukee county and all of Ozaukee, Sheboygan, and Washington counties.

Reach out today and let’s keep your roof looking and working like new! Call or text us anytime if you would like a quote. If you prefer to do everything online, then click here and we will get a quote out to you ASAP.  We hope you were informed by this article titled Milwaukee Roof Cleaning. Our goal is that you are a more informed customer after reading this and feel confident when hiring with the proper knowledge. 

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